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Interview n°7 : a collaboration with Sardax

Our first series of interviews with Herculé Doré is almost over. Others will probably follow; after all, the BDSM universe is overflowing with exquisite nuances.
During our last meeting, I showed him my sextoys by way of erotic foreword. This time, we comment on the different books that are stored in a display case in the dungeon. There is my first novel, volume 1 of Dom’Innate, as well as other titles relating to domination.

The Dom’innate series – a broad synopsis

Mistress Saylie’s talents, creativity and authoritarian eroticism have allowed her to become known and recognized in the Parisian BDSM scene. Today, selectively but passionately, she invites her subs to taste the most diverse cerebral delights. Always choosing the subtle and inspired word over vulgarity, preferring the delicate game to the urgent contact, this dominatrix’s authority endures without ever giving way to banality.

Femdom France – English

France FemDom will be held from the 27th to the 29th of June 2024. I am looking forward to participating in it – for several reasons.